Welcome to the Metz Project
The Metz Project is an effort to build virtual pipe organs for Hauptwerk based primarily on the
Notre Dame de Metz samples from Milan Digital Audio. The project consists of a set titled Metz Plus, which incorporates samples from three sets:
Organ Console
Metz Plus includes the following:
- All stops from the original Metz are present.
- A "contemporary" console design optimized for wide-screen displays.
- The Recit and Positif divisions are under expression.
- The Positif includes a Krumhorn using samples from the Rotterdam. It also includes a 16 foot Bourdun borrowed from the Grand Orgue, voiced slightly softer than the Grand Orgue stop. Finally, a Flute Celeste, created using the Cor de nuit samples, is designed to be used together with the Cor de nuit.
- The Grand Orgue includes a Mixture IV using samples from Velesovo.
- The Pedal includes the following stops borrowed from the Grand Orgue: Clairon 4, Mixture IV, and Bourdon 8.
- A Trompette en chamade created using Rotterdam samples is playable from the Positif and Recit manuals, as well as a fourth Solo manual which is not visible on the virtual console. The Solo manual has the Trompette en chamade stop always engaged.
- Only two stops provide tremolo: The Recit Voix Humaine and the Positif Krumhorn.
- The source CODM and ODF files are available via the "View on GitHub" link on the left side of this page.
Demo Recording
Listen on ContreBombarde.
- This set has been tested with Hauptwerk 4 Advanced Edition.
- The required sample sets listed above must be installed.
- Memory usage: With Hauptwerk 4.2.1, Windows Task Manager shows the following memory usage for Hauptwerk with Metz Plus loaded:
- 16-bit, compressed, all sample loops and releases, 5581 MB
- 16-bit, compressed, only first sample loop, all releases, 4390 MB
To install, download Metz.Plus.CompPkg_Hauptwerk_rar and use Hauptwerk's File > Install organ or temperament command to install it. You should then be able to load the organ in Hauptwerk by choosing Organ > Load Organ from the Hauptwerk menu; Metz Plus should appear in the list.